In order to ensure the safe navigation of ships and improve the endurance of ships, the mathematical model of optimal path planning of ships in complex sea environment is studied. The probability road map method is used to convert the global sea environment with complex sea surface environment characteristics of the ship navigation into discrete space, and several paths from the initial point to the destination point in the discrete space are obtained by connecting the sampling points to generate the road map. According to the navigation performance evaluation index of a ship, the mathematical model of optimal path planning in the navigation route map of a ship is constructed. The terrain and threat constraints, ship turning angle constraints, and path smoothness constraints set in the complex sea environment are considered. The mathematical model is solved by using the optimization algorithm based on concussion invasive weeds, and a standard solution vector is obtained in the constructed road map, that is, the optimal path planning result. The experimental results show that the model can effectively obtain the optimal path planning results, and it is more conducive to ship endurance when taking the lowest energy consumption as the evaluation index of ship navigation performance.
2022,44(21): 59-62 收稿日期:2022-06-21
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