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Angular error analysis in tracking satellite
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 陈铠1, 瞿元新1, 马媛媛2
CHEN Kai1, QU Yuan-xin1, MA Yuan-yuan2
- 作者单位:
- 1. 中国卫星海上测控部,江苏 江阴 214431;
2. 军事科学院 国防工程研究院,北京 100850
1. China Satellite Maritime Tracking and Control Department, Jiangyin 24431, China;
2. Institute of Defense Engineering, ASM of PLA, Beijing 100850, China
- 关键词:
- 角误差;船摇隔离;加速度误差系数
angular error; ship swing isolation; acceleration error coefficient
- 摘要:
- 船载伺服系统采用二阶控制系统跟踪卫星。其中,伺服系统的跟踪角误差会受到目标运动角加速度和船摇的影响。若目标运动角加速度过高,将导致跟踪精度降低,甚至丢失跟踪目标。当目标运动角加速度与船摇对跟踪的扰动叠加时,船摇会影响跟踪精度。本文在进行角误差分析过程中,综合考虑角加速度和船摇对目标跟踪精度的影响,将角隔离残差与甲板角度变化幅值之比作为船摇影响因子,构建了角跟踪误差函数。使用模拟器准确测试设备的船摇隔离度和加速度误差系数,并基于实际跟踪卫星弧段,对角误差进行分析验证。结果表明,目标运动角加速度与船摇对跟踪的扰动异步叠加时,船摇会提高跟踪精度,即减小跟踪角误差。
Second order control system is utilized in ship servo system to track satellite. The tracking angular error depends on angular acceleration of satellite and ship swing. If the angular acceleration of satellite is too intensive, then tracking error may be deteriorated, even that tracking fails. The disturbances of satellite angular acceleration and ship swing is superposed, ship swing takes an import role in tracking angular error. Tracking angular error is analyzed based on the angular acceleration of satellite and ship swing. An influence factor is constructed based on the ratio between ship swing isolation residual error and amplitude of ship swing. Then an angular error function is constructed. Based on the function, ship swing isolation and acceleration error coefficient is measured using simulator. The measurement result is utilized to analyze angular error of a real tracking satellite arc. Results shows that ship swing may improve tracking capability in case of satellite angular acceleration is asynchronous with ship swing disturbance.
2023,45(1): 171-174 收稿日期:2022-02-15