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4 000 kWh锂电池货船碰撞安全性分析
Research on collision simulation of 4 000 kWh lithium battery cargo ship
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 李陈, 管义锋
LI Chen, GUAN Yi-feng
- 作者单位:
- 江苏科技大学 船舶与海洋工程学院,江苏 镇江 212003
School of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang 212003, China
- 关键词:
- 数值仿真;锂电池货船;船舶碰撞;锂电池热失控
numerical simulation; lithium battery cargo ship; ship collision; thermal runaway of lithium battery
- 摘要:
- 船舶碰撞事故一般会引起船体结构损坏、人员伤亡、环境污染等问题。对于锂电池船舶来说,其电源为锂离子电池,碰撞事故可能会导致电池柜损坏,使得锂电池变形产生热失控,造成严重后果。为了降低船舶碰撞的风险,使用Abaqus软件对4000kWh内河锂电池货船进行碰撞数值模拟,根据碰撞结果使用Comsol软件对电池柜进行数值仿真,最后对船舶结构或布置方案进行改进。这对于降低由锂电池货船碰撞引起电池热失控事故的可能性具有积极意义。
Ship collision accidents generally cause hull structural damage, casualties, environmental pollution and other problems. For lithium battery cargo ships, the power source is lithium ion batteries. The collision accident may cause damage to the battery cabinet, deformation of the lithium battery, and cause lithium The heat of the battery is out of control, causing serious consequences. In order to reduce the risk of ship collision, the4000kWh inland river lithium battery cargo ship was numerically simulated with Abaqus software, and the battery cabinet was numerically simulated with Comsol software according to the collision results. Finally, the ship structure or layout plan was improved. This is of positive significance for reducing the possibility of battery thermal runaway accidents caused by the collision of lithium battery cargo ships.
2023,45(2): 65-70 收稿日期:2021-05-27