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Development of a collision force measuring system for ship berthing
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 吉顺莉
JI Shun-li
- 作者单位:
- 江苏航运职业技术学院,江苏 南通 226010
Jiangsu Shipping College, Nantong 226010, China
- 关键词:
- 靠泊;动力学模型;测试系统;力学传感器
berthing;dynamic model;test system;mechanical sensor
- 摘要:
- 大型船舶由于吨位重,靠泊过程的惯性大,再叠加风浪等附加载荷,对码头或者海上作业平台框架的冲击作用非常大,尤其海上作业平台的框架往往采用钢结构焊接,一旦船舶靠泊的冲击作用超过框架的承载能力后,框架很容易发生极限下的破坏,造成严重的经济损失。本文针对船舶靠泊过程的力学特性进行建模分析,结合力学传感器和数据通信技术,开发一种船舶靠泊过程的撞击力测试系统,介绍测试系统的原理和组成,并进行了实际船舶靠泊过程的撞击力测试。
Due to the heavy tonnage of large ships, large inertia in the berthing process, coupled with additional loads such as wind and waves, the impact on the frame of wharf or offshore working platform is very great. Especially, the frame of offshore working platform is often welded with steel structure. Once the impact of ship berthing exceeds the bearing capacity of the frame, the frame is prone to damage under the limit, resulting in serious economic losses. Based on the modeling and analysis of the mechanical characteristics of ship berthing process, this paper developed a kind of collision force testing equipment for ship berthing process by combining the mechanical sensor and data communication technology, introduced the principle and composition of the testing system, and carried out the actual collision force testing for ship berthing process.
2023,45(4): 175-178 收稿日期:2022-11-05