本文借助Ansys Fluent开展平板仿生沟槽表面减阻性能数值模拟研究,系统分析沟槽形状 、几何尺寸等参数对其减阻性能的影响。数值模拟结果表明,平板表面仿生沟槽的存在使得平板表面的剪应力大幅减小,且可以大幅降低平板表面的速度梯度,因而可以起到减阻的效果。另外,通过对比分析3种不同沟槽形状平板的减阻性能发现,V形沟槽的减阻性能较U形和L形减阻性能更优,在后续设计中可考虑V形沟槽。
The Ansys Fluent is utilized to carry out the numerical simulation on drag reduction characteristics of bionic surface by utilizing the bionic groove. The systematic analysis is conducted to analyze the effect of groove shape as well as the size on drag reduction characteristic. The simulation results demonstrate that the existence of micro groove help reduce the shear stress as well as the velocity distribution along the vertical direction on the plate's surface. In addition, the comparing three various types of shape, it is found that the V shape presents the best drag reduction property. Therefore, the V shape can be considered in the following design.
2023,45(9): 28-31 收稿日期:2022-07-31