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Simulation analysis of normal incidence acoustic characteristics of sandwich plate based on Comsol
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 董鹏1, 龚强2
DONG Peng1, GONG Qiang2
- 作者单位:
- 1. 海军装备部装备项目管理中心, 北京 100071;
2. 中国船舶研究设计中心, 湖北 武汉 430064
1. Marine Equipment Project Management Center, Beijing 100071, China;
2. China Ship Development and Design Center, Wuhan 430064, China
- 关键词:
- 正入射;反射系数;透射系数;夹芯板
normal incidence; reflection coefficient; transmission coefficient; sandwich plate
- 摘要:
- 本文根据平面波正入射基本理论,以三明治夹芯平板结构为对象,利用多物理场有限元软件Comsol开展了声学特性仿真分析,研究其在正入射条件下的声学特性。首先通过与单一平板结构理论解的对比,验证了该仿真模型的准确性;随后讨论了正入射时,平板厚度与平板材料参数等变化对于三明治夹芯平板反射性能与透射性能的影响规律。
In this paper, according to the theory of plane wave normal incidence, and based on the finite element software COMSOL, a simulation model for the acoustic characteristics of sandwich plate is established. The acoustic characteristics of sandwich plate under normal incidence are studied, and the accuracy of the simulation model is verified by comparing with the theoretical solution of a single plate structure. The effects of plate thickness and material parameters on the reflection and transmission properties of sandwich plates are discussed.
2023,45(9): 56-59 收稿日期:2022-10-18