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Design method of ship intelligent navigation system based on man-machine interaction technology
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 刘畅
LIU Chang
- 作者单位:
- 郑州科技学院, 河南 郑州 450064
Zhengzhou University of Science and Technology, Zhengzhou 450064, China
- 关键词:
- 人机交互技术;舰船;智能导航系统;GIS信息加载
human-computer interaction technology; ships; intelligent navigation system; GIS information loading
- 摘要:
- 构建舰船智能导航系统,结合海图电子化分析提高导航控制能力,提出基于人机交互技术的舰船智能导航系统设计方法。采用地图投影计算方法进行舰船智能导航的GIS信息加载,结合海图静态水深测量以及航线分支调度方法进行舰船导航过程中的动态信息交互,结合地理约束机制和视觉约束机制,通过量化均衡控制和航海视觉监测,实现对舰船智能导航的人机交互设计。测试表明,采用该方法进行舰船智能导航的人机交互性较好,信息动态加载能力较强,视觉效果较好。
The intelligent navigation system of ships is constructed, and the navigation control ability is improved by electronic analysis of charts. A design method of intelligent navigation system of ships based on human-computer interaction technology is proposed. The map projection calculation method is used to load the GIS information of ship intelligent navigation, and the dynamic information interaction in the process of ship navigation is carried out by combining the chart static bathymetry and route branch scheduling method. The man-machine interaction design of ship intelligent navigation is realized by combining the geographical constraint mechanism and visual constraint mechanism, and through quantitative equilibrium control and navigation visual monitoring. The test shows that this method has good man-machine interaction, strong information dynamic loading ability and good visual effect.
2023,45(9): 155-158 收稿日期:2023-01-08