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Control technology of high speed intelligent unmanned vehicle based on robust controller
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 陈杏黎
CHEN Xing-li
- 作者单位:
- 江苏航运职业技术学院, 江苏 南通 226010
Jiangsu Shipping College, Nantong 226010, China
- 关键词:
- 水面智能高速无人艇;鲁棒控制
surface intelligent high speed unmanned craft; robust control
- 摘要:
- 由于船体速度和负载的改变将导致模型中的参数发生扰动,海风、海浪、海流等因素也会对模型产生干扰。参数摄动、外部扰动以及模型的误差导致了水面智能高速无人艇控制的不稳定性。船舶数学建模中存在的各种不确定因素,对船舶操纵系统的鲁棒性能产生很大影响。本文通过建立无人艇的数学模型,利用鲁棒控制系统对模型的各项参数进行重点分析与优化,进一步提高整个无人艇控制系统稳定性。
The parameters in the model will be disturbed due to changes in the speed and load of the hull, and factors such as sea wind, waves, and currents will also interfere with the model. Parameter perturbation, external disturbance and model error lead to the instability of surface intelligent high-speed unmanned vehicle control. Various uncertain factors in ship mathematical modeling have a great impact on the robust performance of ship maneuvering system. This paper mainly establishes the mathematical model of the unmanned boat, and then uses the robust control system to analyze and optimize the parameters of the model, so as to further improve the stability of the entire unmanned boat control system.
2023,45(10): 74-77 收稿日期:2022-12-09