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Numerical study of internal ballistic flow field of gas ejection
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 贾轩, 杨弓熠, 段浩, 吴一帆, 紫树梁
JIA Xuan, YANG Gong-yi, DUAN Hao, WU Yi-fan, ZI Shu-liang
- 作者单位:
- 中国船舶集团有限公司 第七〇五研究所昆明分部, 云南 昆明 650032
Kunming Branch, The 705 Research Institute of CSSC, Kunming 650032, China
- 关键词:
- 燃气弹射;内流场;动网格;优化设计
gas ejection; internal flow field; dynamic grid; optimization design
- 摘要:
- 利用Fluent软件对某燃气弹射过程进行三维流场数值建模,采用标准的$ k - \varepsilon $湍流模型、Simple算法及动网格方法对弹射过程进行仿真计算,并依据计算结果分析弹射过程中的内弹道流场及武器受力特性。提出一种用于降低武器尾部冲击及使推力稳定的优化设计方案,并结合试验对优化方案进行验证,结果表明了优化方案的有效性及CFD计算方法的可靠性。研究成果对于发射装置的优化设计及实现武器安全稳定发射具有一定的指导作用。
The three-dimensional flow field numerical modeling of a gas ejection process was carried out by using Fluent software, and the ejection process was simulated by using the standard $ k - \varepsilon $ turbulence model, Simple algorithm and dynamic grid method, and the internal ballistic flow field and weapon force characteristics in the ejection process was analyzed according to the calculation results. An optimal design scheme for reducing the impact of the rear of the weapon and stabilizing the thrust is proposed, and the optimization scheme is verified by the test. The results show the effectiveness of the optimization scheme and the reliability of the CFD calculation method. The research results have a certain guiding role for the optimal design of the launch device and the realization of the safe and stable launch of the weapon.
2023,45(10): 184-189 收稿日期:2022-04-17