Design a cloud computing platform for ship communication network security risk assessment with the aim of solving the problem of ship communication network security risk assessment and ensuring ship communication network security. Collect ship communication network related data from the data source and store them in different types of databases; The data mining analysis layer of ship communication network analyzes the collected data, constructs a ship communication network security risk assessment index system composed of physics, software, and network security management, and uses a risk assessment model to obtain the results of ship communication network security risk assessment; The ship communication network component service layer transmits evaluation results, etc. in the form of components, to the ship communication network application display layer, providing users with functions such as visual result query. The experimental results show that the platform can accurately evaluate the risk level of ship communication network security and ensure the security of ship communication network.
2023,45(11): 139-142 收稿日期:2023-02-13
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