The risk identification method of ship navigation collision avoidance system is studied to improve the safety of ship navigation. The user management module is used to manage the functions of user registration, login and authority in the ship navigation collision avoidance system. The detailed navigation information of the ship is recorded by the operation module, and the distance between the ship and the obstacle is obtained by using the phase laser ranging algorithm. Based on the ship related information obtained from the operation module, the risk identification index system of ship navigation collision risk is established. Using the game theory combination weighting method, the weights of each index were calculated, and combined with the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, the result of risk identification was obtained. Collision warning module generates warning list according to risk identification level. The display module presents the position and warning information of each ship in real time by means of electronic chart. Experiments show that this method can effectively calculate the weight of risk identification index, obtain the level of risk identification, and realize the risk identification of collision avoidance system.
2023,45(11): 159-162 收稿日期:2022-12-28
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