According to the characteristics of the storm mooring system, using the relationship between the horizontal distance of the mooring point of the single mooring line and the size of the mooring force, the geometric approximation assumption is used to approximate the shape of the mooring line as a straight line at the limit state. Firstly, the simplified formula of the conditions and the simplified tension calculation method are obtained by using the catenary theory and the solution is applied to the combined mooring structure. Then the influence of the catenary parameters and the vertical span ratio on the tension calculation result and its error are analyzed. Finally, through two examples, the results of the catenary method, the approximate parabolic method and the simplified calculation method for the single mooring problem are compared, and the combined mooring lines of typical storm mooring systems are calculated and analyzed.
2023,45(15): 46-51 收稿日期:2022-07-04
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