Unmanned surface vehicles (USV), as a mobile and flexible surface autonomous platform, can replace people to perform hydrological surveys, patrols, search and rescue and other tasks in dangerous or extreme environments. In recent years, it has aroused the research upsurge of researchers at home and abroad. Path planning and obstacle avoidance are the prerequisites for autonomous operation of unmanned surface vehicles, and their research and development status should be paid attention to. In this paper, Citespace is used to quantitatively analyze the path planning and obstacle avoidance technology of unmanned aerial vehicle, systematically summarized the previous research and showed the development trend, the perception module of the unmanned surface vehicles, the classic algorithm of path planning and obstacle avoidance and the emerging hotspot algorithm, and the future development is prospected in this field.
2023,45(16): 59-63 收稿日期:2022-9-18
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