Ship route optimization is a complex process whose purpose is to find the optimal route for a given voyage based on fuel consumption, duration time, safety, or a combination of the two or more under dynamic weather conditions. The traditional route optimization algorithm cannot simultaneously optimize multiple objectives and with poor robustness, while the evolutionary algorithm has a great advantage to solve the multi-objective route optimization problem related to dynamic weather change. Therefore, the algorithm is improved based on SPEA2 and applied to multi-objective route optimization. Aiming at the problem of slow convergence of the algorithm, the Dijkstra algorithm is used to generate the initial population. In addition, a new population renewal strategy and crossover and mutation operator are proposed to improve the quality of the population and prevent the population from falling into local optimum. Compared with other evolutionary algorithms, it is proved that the improved algorithm can be better applied to multi-objective route optimization and obtain a better Pareto frontier.
2023,45(16): 125-128 收稿日期:2022-12-30
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