Research on radioactive monitoring technology for ship transport containers under the Internet of Things, improve the recognition effect of radioactive nuclides, and ensure the safety and stability of container transportation. Construct a radioactive monitoring framework for ship transport containers under the internet of things, with wireless terminal acquisition modules using NaI (T1) γ The energy spectrometer and GPS/AIS receiving module collect the radioactive energy spectrum data of each container stored in the ship's cargo hold, and use the Zigbee communication module to upload the collected data to the ship's monitoring background. After processing the radioactive energy spectrum data using the three-point center of gravity smoothing method, 1024 channel data are obtained. Then, with 32 channel addresses as a data sampling interval, they are divided into 32 sets of time series, which are used as inputs to the LSMT network, Realize radioactive monitoring of shipping containers, and the monitoring results are transmitted to the shore based monitoring center through a 4G mobile network. The experimental results show that when the learning rate is 10−3, the LSTM network has the best performance. Through radioactive spectrum data, container radioactivity monitoring can be achieved, and the monitoring results are consistent with the actual situation, with outstanding monitoring performance.
2023,45(18): 182-185 收稿日期:2023-05-16
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