In order to master the development status of new shipbuilding materials and their influence on ship lightweight and shipping carbon emission reduction, the existing ship structural/functional integrated materials and special functional materials are introduced, and the applicability of related materials in ship lightweight is analyzed. Based on the ship energy efficiency design index(EEID), an evaluation method for contribution of carbon emission reduction was established, and the contributions of carbon emission reduction of 160000 DWT oil tanker using new materials and varying with weight reduction were performed. The results show that the structural/functional integrated materials have direct effect on ship lightweight in comparison with the special functional materials, and the carbon emission reduction varies linearly with the variation of hull weight. When the structural weight reduces by 20%, the contribution of carbon emission reduction reaches about 2.54%. The study could have the reference value for engineering design of green environmentally friendly ship and contribution evaluation of carbon emission reduction.
2023,45(19): 82-88 收稿日期:2022-09-16
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