Propose an optimization method for the long-range detection capability of ship navigation radar, enhance the long-range detection capability of ship radar, and better ensure the smooth completion of ship long-range navigation tasks. Based on the scanning mechanism and array reception technology, a reasonable design of the ship navigation radar architecture is implemented. The improved wavelet threshold method, median filtering, and empirical mode decomposition (EMD) algorithm are used in the optical reception module of the ship navigation radar to hybrid filter the received ship navigation radar echo signal, improve the quality of the ship navigation radar echo signal, and optimize the long-range detection ability of the ship navigation radar. The experimental results show that the application of this method can optimize the long-range detection capability of ship navigation radar, and can better detect and present long-range targets during ship navigation at the same range.
2023,45(20): 186-189 收稿日期:2023-3-18
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