To promote the modernization of national water rescue and salvage capabilities, based on the analysis of the characteristics and current development status of water emergency rescue operations, a technical system for water emergency rescue equipment in China has been constructed, and the “family background” of the existing equipment technology in China′s rescue system has been clarified. A multi-level capability evaluation model has been established, which comprehensively utilizes chromatography analysis and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, to fully leverage the advantages of industry experts. Taking into account the influencing factors of water emergency rescue, an evaluation index system for the technical support capability of water emergency rescue equipment has been established from four dimensions: land, sea, air, and space. The practical results indicate that the multi-level capability evaluation model based on comprehensive tomography analysis and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of China′s water emergency rescue equipment technical system can effectively evaluate the technical support capacity of China′s water emergency rescue equipment, and has a high degree of consistency with the actual situation.
2023,45(21): 70-75 收稿日期:2023-8-23
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