An improved dynamic window method is presented to solve the problems of traditional DWA, such as long avoidance time due to falling into local optimum during obstacle avoidance, incomplete distance sampling points leading to obstacle avoidance failure, and poor effect on obstacle avoidance. First, by modifying the decision rules and evaluation functions of the sampling window, more excellent tracks are retained, obstacle avoidance paths are optimized, and obstacle avoidance time is shortened. Secondly, by further improving the obstacle distance calculation during the whole pre-trajectory process, the collision trajectory is eliminated and the success rate of obstacle avoidance is improved. Thirdly, the obstacle avoidance ability is enhanced by introducing the obstacle motion track prediction model. Finally, the simulation results of unmanned vehicle formation assembly based on the improved algorithm using Matlab show that the improved algorithm can improve the obstacle avoidance ability of unmanned vehicle and realize the formation assembly of unmanned vehicle.
2023,45(23): 91-95 收稿日期:2022-11-15
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