知识图谱是指知识库中存储大量的三元组,通过三元组(头实体、关系实体、尾实体)描述物质之间的联系,从而提供大量真实和有价值的信息。在一般情况下,由于信息的不完全性,它的建立只能依靠全部事实中的一小部分,而大量的实体间隐性关联却没有得到充分利用。可以利用预测中缺失的部分信息进行处理。所有的知识图谱,都需要不断地完善,甚至推论出新的知识。基于此,本文提出一种基于神经张量网络的改进 TuckER分解算法。
Knowledge map usually refers to a knowledge base that stores a large number of triples. It uses triples (head entity, relationship, tail entity) to represent the relationship between entities, thus providing practical and valuable information. Generally, they are incomplete, because their construction may be based on only a small part of all facts, and the implicit relationship between a large number of entities has not been fully utilized. We can solve this problem by predicting the missing parts.Any existing knowledge map needs to constantly improve knowledge itself, or even infer new knowledge through completion. In this paper, a new link prediction algorithm, called improved TuckER NTN (ImTu NTN), is proposed by combining the improved TuckER decomposition algorithm and neural tensor network (NTN), which can effectively improve the accuracy of knowledge map link prediction.
2023,45(24): 166-170 收稿日期:2022-12-23
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