Traditional ship identification methods based on video images can generally only identify and classify ship types, and it is difficult to accurately determine the specific models of ships, which cannot meet the requirements of practical application. The purpose of this study is to analyze the main features and approaches of ship model recognition based on audio-visual intelligence information, and to study the main recognition methods and processes. This study combines audio-visual information extraction, detection, analysis and other technical means, combined with artificial intelligence recognition model training methods, to build a recognition model and achieve detailed recognition of ship models. The research results show that the ship model recognition based on audio-visual intelligence information has a high accuracy in practice. The combined use of multi-source audio-visual intelligence information makes the recognition results more reliable. This method of ship model recognition has a good application prospect in the field of equipment and technology information, and can provide support for the research work of audio-visual intelligence.
2024,46(1): 158-163 收稿日期:2023-09-18
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