根据某远洋客船舱室部分厨余管道的案例,试验针对包覆材料和粘接剂研究吸声系数和隔声量在中低频范围内的变化规律,讨论船用厨余管道包覆材料厚度和粘接剂种类选取对吸隔声性能的影响。对比分析发现材料厚度从19 mm提升至25 mm时,吸隔声性能提升最为显著,吸声系数提升约143%,隔声量提升约27%。研究结论为船用厨余管道的安装及材料应用提供一定的技术参考。
Based on the case of part of the food waste pipes in the cabins of an ocean-going passenger ship, the test investigated the variation of sound absorption coefficient and sound insulation volume in the low and medium frequency range for the cladding material and adhesive, and discussed the influence of the thickness of the cladding material and the type of adhesive on the sound absorption and insulation performance of marine food waste pipes. A comparison analysis shows that the most significant improvement in sound absorption and insulation performance is achieved when the thickness of the material is increased from 19 mm to 25 mm, with an increase in sound absorption coefficient of about 143% and an increase in sound insulation volume of about 27%. The findings of the study provide some technical reference for the installation and material application of marine food waste pipes.
2024,46(2): 49-52 收稿日期:2023-01-06
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