With the development of big data and artificial intelligence, knowledge atlas has been gradually popularized and applied in personalized recommendation system with its outstanding features such as super relational expression ability, interactive exploratory analysis, intelligent knowledge logic system, and high-speed data retrieval speed. This paper studies the navigation information personalized recommendation system based on the knowledge map. Combining with the customary operations of the captain and crew during navigation operations such as interface browsing and control frequency, it comprehensively analyzes the navigation knowledge map construction technology, navigation information element association technology, personalized recommendation mining technology, and builds the ship flow based on dynamic thermal circle, hot navigation information based on geographical location Based on the special recommendation function of berth information classification under inbound and outbound operations and dynamic migration of ships based on the location information database, the personalized recommendation service of "one-stop access and on-demand push" for the whole process of navigation information at sea, in port and on board has been realized, which greatly simplifies the navigation operation process and improves the intelligent level of integrated application of navigation operation information.
2024,46(4): 152-157 收稿日期:2023-02-28
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