In response to the complex communication environment of ship communication networks, uncertain user needs, and the impact on communication balance, this paper proposes a dynamic load balancing control method for ship communication networks based on cloud computing. Use Ryu controller to obtain the status of monitoring ship communication network and obtain network load. Create a cloud computing platform virtual machine to implement dynamic load balancing task scheduling tasks for ship communication networks. Select the physical machine result with the highest migration probability as the virtual machine migration result on the cloud computing platform, update the comprehensive weight of the virtual machine through migration and shutdown operations, and achieve dynamic load balancing control of the ship communication network. The experimental results show that this method can achieve dynamic load balancing control of ship communication networks, with a load balancing degree higher than 0.7, effectively improving the resource utilization of ship communication networks.
2024,46(6): 177-180 收稿日期:2023-12-21
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