Ring-stiffened cylindrical shell is the main type of pressure hull for deep-sea submersible vehicles, but there are different ring-stiffener layouts due to the requirements of ultimate bearing capacity and vibration characteristics. In order to investigate the effect of ring-stiffener layout on the implosion of cylindrical pressure hull, numerical research is carried out based on the arbitrary Lagrange Euler method. Firstly, the accuracy of the fluid-structure interaction numerical model of liquid-solid-gas is verified by comparing the results of test. Then, some characteristics such as the dynamic response of structure, the propagation of shock wave and the evolution of energy in the process of underwater implosion under three kinds of ring-stiffener layout are investigated. The results show when the ring-stiffeners are uniformly distributed, the implosion center moves from the middle of the cylinder to one end. However, when the middle and end of the cylinder are strengthened, the implosion center moves from the sparse position to the dense position of ring-stiffeners. The kinetic energy evolution of both of them has a significant secondary wave peak phenomenon, and the ring-stiffener layout of reinforced middle can effectively reduce the maximum shock wave peak. Through the analysis of the implosion response of ring-stiffened cylindrical pressure hull, there is important engineering significance for the design of deep-sea pressure structures.
2024,46(13): 50-58 收稿日期:2023-08-30
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