Multilayer heterogeneous plates offer effective vibration and sound insulation, finding extensive use in ship compartments. This paper introduces a semi-analytical approach for analyzing the acoustic radiation characteristics of functionally graded sandwich plates under external loads. The method's accuracy is validated against finite element analysis and other published theories. We explore how core and panel properties such as thickness, density, Young’s modulus, and functional grading affect the acoustic radiation in these sandwich panels. The results indicate that our proposed semi-analytical method excels in solving soft core heterogeneous isotropic sandwich plates and can address acoustic radiation in functionally graded heterogeneous sandwich plates beyond traditional plate theory's capabilities. Convergence analysis reveals the method's effectiveness and accuracy, particularly with a small mesh. Additionally, our research demonstrates that panel and core material attributes, including thickness, density, elastic modulus, and functional grading, significantly impact acoustic radiation, with the core material's functional grading showing a gradient effect.
2024,46(14): 8-14 收稿日期:2023-09-04
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