In order to ensure shipping safety, a dynamic detection of ship draft depth based on machine vision technology is proposed. Using the preprocessed ship SAR image as input to the I-VGGNet network, the convolutional layer structure of the I-VGGNet network is used to extract features at different levels of the ship SAR image. On this basis, the FCOS network is used to scale the ship SAR image features, and then the IoU loss function and RCIoU loss function are introduced to obtain the minimum center distance between the predicted box and the true box, in order to correct the ship's draft character print, determine the waterline, and achieve ship draft depth detection. The experimental results show that this method can accurately correct the water gauge character marks of ships and accurately identify ship targets at different scales. And the overall AP value is 95.8%, relatively high, which can effectively detect the draft depth of ships and ensure their safety.
2024,46(14): 158-161 收稿日期:2024-01-19
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