Aiming at air to sea communication scenarios which is caused by different sea conditions, a geometry-based channel model is proposed in this paper. The proposed model classifies the sea level reflections into specular and diffuse reflections according to the conditions of different sea states, and equates the effect of the sea state on the received signal point to the effect on the height of the received signal point and the tilt angle of the receiving antenna. The diameter of the cylindrical is determined by the distance between the ideal specular reflection points in different sea conditions, and the height of the cylinder is determined by the height of the wave impact on the received signal point. Based on the proposed channel model, the delay autocorrelation function, frequency autocorrelation function was derived and analyzed in simulation, and the results show that different delay and different frequency intervals under different sea state conditions will significantly affect the statistical characteristics of the channel.
2024,46(19): 132-136 收稿日期:2023-12-13
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