To achieve efficient and low latency communication of ship information and provide a platform for multi-party application of ship data, a ship information collection and retrieval system based on 5G communication is designed. The system data collection layer uses Zigbee network as the internal network of the system, and completes the collection of ship multi angle information through multiple sensors deployed throughout the entire ship monitoring range; The data transmission layer adopts 5G communication technology with low latency and high communication efficiency to quickly and reliably transmit the data aggregated by the Zigbee network to the data center of the shore data storage layer, and store it in the distributed file system; The data application layer establishes an automatic retrieval index for ship data in the database to complete the required ship data queries, providing information support for applications such as ship management and operation, and ship safety monitoring. The experimental results show that the system can comprehensively obtain ship information, achieve high stability, low latency, and high-speed transmission of information; Effectively retrieve ship information from the database that is highly relevant to the input query.
2024,46(19): 137-140 收稿日期:2024-6-10
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