Toenhance the welding quality of rotary arc welding on the ship′s hull, a correlation between melt width, melt depth, residual height and process parameters such as groove spac, rotation frequency, rotation diameter, distance from conductive nozzle to workpiece, and welding speed must be examined. Secondly, the geometric size of the weld is measured by orthogonal test, and the prediction model is established by mathematical method of regression analysis.Calculating the sensitivity of welding parameters based on a mathematical model of geometric size is thirdly done. Through analysis of process parameters, one can forecast the alteration trend of these parameters. Consequently, by altering the rotary arc′s welding process parameters, optimal weld formation can be achieved to enhance the hull′s automatic welding quality.
2024,46(22): 75-80 收稿日期:2024-3-8
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