To ensure the safety of surface vessel navigation, a collision prevention control method for surface vessel navigation in adverse sea conditions is proposed. Construct a three-dimensional environment map for ship navigation under adverse sea conditions, define the adverse sea condition environment model as the search space for ship navigation path planning on the water surface, introduce the invasive weed optimization algorithm, set a cost evaluation function, and determine the optimal navigation path within the three-dimensional optimal navigation surface under this cost evaluation function; Combining the results of route planning with the speed obstacle method, a speed obstacle area is constructed based on the relative velocity between the ship and obstacles. Based on the navigation path planning results, the constructed area is overlaid and expanded to obtain the speed obstacle area. The optimal collision avoidance speed is determined by combining the cost function to achieve dynamic collision avoidance control. The experimental results show that this method can accurately construct ship navigation maps in harsh sea conditions, determine the optimal path in this environment, and achieve collision prevention control for surface ships in harsh sea conditions.
2024,46(22): 81-84 收稿日期:2024-8-5
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