针对未知环境下Agent自主决策的快速路径规划与避碰问题,将Q-learning与神经网络相结合,利用基于目标导向的动作策略与奖励函数的动态计算方法,以及优化的神经网络训练框架,构建Agent 避碰导航算法,通过仿真验证,表明算法有效,收敛速度较快,适应于静态障碍的避碰与导航,同时对Agent 随机指定出发点及障碍物微小变化的环境,具有一定的泛化能力,算法可以支持无人装备的自主路径导航。
For unknown environments Agent independent decision-making, fast path exploration and collision avoidance problem, we combine Q-learning with training network, use goal-oriented action strategy and dynamic calculation method of reward function, and build Agent collision avoidance path planning algorithm based on optimized Q-learning network training framework. Simulation verification shows that the algorithm is effective with fast convergence speed and it can adapt to the static obstacle-collision avoidance. Meanwhile, the algorithm has certain generalization ability to the Agent's different starting point and random obstacle position.
2024,46(22): 105-109 收稿日期:2024-1-30
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