In this paper, the influence of non-uniformity of yield strength on the static strength and ultimate bearing capacity of ring-stiffened cylindrical shell structure is studied, and the corresponding analysis and evaluation method is proposed. Based on the unidirectional tensile and pure bending model of shell, the equivalent yield strength calculation formula with the non-uniform yield strength distribution in the thickness direction is established, and the rationality of the formula is verified by experiments and simulations. Five different calculation methods are used to analyze the influence of non-uniformity of sheet yield strength on the ultimate load bearing capacity of typical ring-stiffened cylindrical shell structures. The results show that the calculation method of structural strength and ultimate bearing capacity based on tensile and compressive equivalent yield strength can be used to evaluate the influence of non-uniformity of sheet yield strength on static mechanical properties of ring-stiffened cylindrical shell structures. The general instability ultimate bearing capacity of ring-stiffened cylindrical shell structure will be reduced 1.6%, the local instability ultimate bearing capacity will be reduced 1.8%.
2024,46(23): 7-14 收稿日期:2024-1-2
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