风帆助航波浪滑翔器(Sail-assisted Wave Glider, SWG)是一种利用风能和波浪能共同驱动的海上无人航行器,对其机动性能进行准确预测至关重要。本文基于SWG的升沉俯仰运动方式,通过模拟恒定风场和波浪环境,构建了五自由度运动学及动力学模型,并在Matlab/Simulink环境下建立运动仿真程序,以模拟不同海况下SWG的运动性能和回转轨迹。进行了海试,验证所建模型的有效性,反映SWG在真实海况下的运动特性。
The Sail-assisted Wave Glider (SWG) is an unmanned marine vehicle that utilizes wind and wave energy for propulsion, making accurate prediction of its maneuvering capabilities crucial. This study focuses on the pitch and heave motion of the SWG. It constructs a kinematic and dynamic model with five degrees of freedom by simulating a constant wind field and wave environment. A motion simulation program is developed in the Matlab/Simulink to simulate the motion performance and turning trajectory of the SWG under various sea conditions. Sea trials are conducted to validate the model and reflect the motion characteristics in real sea conditions.
2024,46(23): 78-82 收稿日期:2024-2-28
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