为了研究水下航行器(Autonomous Underwater Vehicle,AUV)的声隐蔽性能,从结构声辐射特性出发,系统地分析了复杂海洋环境下以被动声呐为探测设备的声传播特性和被动声呐探测性能。首先,全方位地研究结构辐射噪声、水声信道和被动声呐探测能力等建模理论。然后,将上述三者有机地结合起来,构建了AUV结构声隐蔽性仿真流程。最后,通过算例验证了仿真流程的准确性和有效性,也表明AUV的声隐蔽性与3个因素密切相关。该仿真流程可作为开发结构声隐蔽性分析软件的技术基础。
To study the acoustic stealth performance of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV), an analysis of the structural sound radiation characteristics was conducted, focusing on the acoustic propagation properties and passive sonar detection performance in complex marine environments. Firstly, modeling theories were extensively investigated, including structural radiation noise, underwater acoustic channels, and passive sonar detection capabilities. Subsequently, these three aspects were integrated to establish a simulation process for evaluating the structural acoustic stealth of AUVs. Finally, the accuracy and effectiveness of the simulation process were verified through numerical examples, demonstrating the close correlation between AUV's acoustic stealth and these three factors. This simulation process can serve as a technical foundation for developing software for structural acoustic stealth analysis.
2024,46(23): 83-87 收稿日期:2024-2-19
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