随着双碳目标的提出,海上绿色能源的发展前景非常广阔。浮式光伏是在水面上布置太阳能电池板以收集太阳能的技术,具有一些独特的优势。本文提出一种抗浪型半潜式浮式光伏设计方案,该方案可模块化设计和组装,单模块光伏装机容量为0.25 MW。根据实际海域设计需要,可由双模块、多模块组成阵列布置,模块之间连接方式采用橡胶圈弹性连接,在控制相对运动和安全性下,减少连接载荷和模块间碰撞。系泊系统采用三段式组合锚链半张紧式系泊方案,具有布锚半径较小、适应潮差等优点。文中以近海某一海域为应用海域,波浪等级选取6级波浪,风级选取12级风对双模块浮式光伏进行水动力性能分析。基于三维势流理论对提出的抗浪型浮式光伏装备进行时域全耦合分析,得到装备中2个模块在给定海况下的水动力特性、系泊缆受力和连接结构受力特性,并进行安全性评估。
With the proposal of the dual carbon target, the development prospects of offshore green energy are very broad. Floating photovoltaic is a technology that arranges solar panels on the water surface to collect solar energy, with some unique advantages. This article proposes a wave resistant semi submersible floating photovoltaic design scheme. This scheme can be designed and assembled in a modular manner, with a single module photovoltaic installed capacity of 0.25 MW; According to the actual design needs of the sea area, it can be arranged in an array consisting of two or more modules. The connection between modules adopts rubber ring elastic connection, which reduces the connection load and module collision while controlling relative motion and safety; The mooring system adopts a three-stage combination anchor chain tensioning mooring scheme, which has the advantages of less anchor radius and better adaptability to tidal ranges; In the article, a certain offshore area is used as the application area, and the wave level is selected as level 6 waves and the wind level is selected as level 12 wind to analyze the hydrodynamic performance of dual module floating photovoltaics. Based on the three-dimensional potential flow theory, a time-domain fully coupled analysis was conducted on the proposed wave resistant floating photovoltaic equipment, obtaining the hydrodynamic characteristics, mooring cable forces, and connection structure forces of the two modules in the equipment under given sea conditions, and conducting a safety assessment.
2024,46(23): 132-137 收稿日期:2024-1-22
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