The ship fuel leakage monitoring and alarm system based on LoRa wireless communication technology is deployed at key locations where fuel leakage is likely to occur, such as pipe connections, vent holes of fuel storage tanks, and fuel station pipe covers. Portable alarm devices are installed to achieve real-time monitoring and alarming of fuel leakage. After actual ship operation tests, the monitoring and alarm system is capable of providing reliable fuel leakage alarm information in a timely manner when a fuel leakage accident occurs, meeting the technical requirements of practical applications. At the same time, the system technical solution fully utilizes the innovative thinking and methods of innovation and entrepreneurship education, expands the application scenarios of emerging communication technologies at sea, reflects the distinct interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary educational and teaching attributes, and achieves abundant scientific research and teaching and research achievements.
2024,46(23): 143-147 收稿日期:2024-2-2
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