This paper conducts research on the fatigue fracture issue of a drag reduction device for a certain vehicle under conditions of high impact. Initially, a theoretical plus simulation approach is utilized to analyze the distribution pattern of fluid pressure around the drag reduction structure, thereby characterizing the variation in the torque of the drag reduction structure. Based on this, an analysis is conducted on the stress distribution characteristics of the drag reduction structure during the deployment process under impact loading, and the structural strength is verified. Employing electron microscopy for inspection, the micro-fracture characteristics of the failed area are studied to ascertain the micro-morphological features of the fracture notch. A correlation is established between macroscopic damage characteristics and micro-fracture. Ultimately, the primary causes of fracture failure are identified. The paper proposes a multi-scale method for analyzing structural fracture failure, offering a novel perspective for structural safety assessment.
2024,46(24): 10-14 收稿日期:2024-3-20
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