基于势流理论和叶素动量理论,设计一种搭载NREL 5 MW风力机的V型半潜式浮式平台,探究模型尺度变化对平台性能的影响。通过气动-水动-系泊分析程序FAST2AQWA(F2A)完成V型浮式风力机的时域全耦合模拟,探究不同工况的流载荷对平台运动及系泊张力的影响。结果表明,流速和流载荷入射角度的变化对运动响应和系泊受力的影响十分显著。
Based on potential flow theory and leaf element momentum theory, a V-shaped floating semi-submersible platform with NREL 5 MW wind turbine is designed. A fully coupled time-domain simulation of the V-shaped floating wind turbine was completed by using the Aero-Hydro-mooring analysis program FAST2AQWA (F2A), and the influence of current load on platform motion and mooring tension under different conditions was explored. The results show that the velocity and incident angle of current load have significant effects on platform motion response and mooring tension force.
2024,46(24): 134-142 收稿日期:2023-9-5
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