In order to realize the information sharing and collaborative work between ships, ships and shore based, and improve the ability of ships to deal with complex tasks, an efficient ship scheduling system under the Internet environment is designed. After obtaining ship information resources, port and channel information resources through the information resource layer, the system transmits the above information resources to the support service layer through the special line network of the dispatching center of the Internet layer. The support service layer uses the storage server to store the ship information resources, port and channel information resources to the database. After using the heuristic ship scheduling model to efficiently schedule ships, the system transmits the ship efficient scheduling results to the application layer through the dispatching terminal. This layer visually displays the ship efficient scheduling results and interacts with ship information management. The experimental results show that the system has a strong communication transmission capability in the Internet environment, can effectively achieve efficient scheduling of different ships, reduce the waiting time for ship ranking, and can present the visualized results of efficient ship scheduling. The application effect is relatively significant.
2024,46(24): 160-163 收稿日期:2024-6-10
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