为实现更优质的舰船工业设计,增强其在虚拟环境中的交互效果,研究基于虚拟现实的舰船工业设计三维模型构建方法。采用系统化的层次结构设计方法,将舰船模型划分为五大核心区域,以便实现模型的精确构建、高效管理。利用虚拟现实技术,通过数据采集、3D Max建模、模型优化、材质贴图渲染和输出等步骤,构建舰船三维模型。在建模过程中,采用基于装配几何约束的运动导航和立体包围盒技术进行碰撞检测,以确保模型的精确装配和避免碰撞现象。同时,引入动态细节层次(LOD)技术,根据观察者与模型之间的距离动态调整模型的细节程度,以提高渲染效率和降低系统资源消耗。实验结果显示,该方法可以建立优质舰船三维模型,模型能够展现真实光照和阴影效果,以及船体、甲板等部分详细纹理,并提升舰船三维模型渲染的流畅度。
In order to achieve higher quality ship industrial design and enhance its interactive effect in virtual environments, a method for constructing 3D models of ship industrial design based on virtual reality is studied. Adopting a systematic hierarchical design method, the ship model is divided into five core areas to achieve precise model construction and efficient management. Using virtual reality technology, a three-dimensional model of a ship is constructed through steps such as data collection, 3D Max modeling, model optimization, material mapping rendering, and output. In the modeling process, collision detection is carried out using motion navigation and solid bounding box technology based on assembly geometric constraints to ensure accurate assembly of the model and avoid collision phenomena. At the same time, dynamic level of detail (LOD) technology is introduced to dynamically adjust the level of detail of the model based on the distance between the observer and the model, in order to improve rendering efficiency and reduce system resource consumption. The experimental results show that this method can establish high-quality ship 3D models, which can display real lighting and shadow effects, as well as detailed textures of parts such as the hull and deck, and improve the smoothness of ship 3D model rendering.
2024,46(24): 168-171 收稿日期:2024-8-21
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