Complex contact takes place between the undercarriage of equipment and the deck on Ro-Ro ship, so the undercarriage load cannot be simply treated as a uniformly distributed load. In order to investigate the contact pressure and stress distribution between a deck and undercarriage, a steel deck structure is taken as the research object. ABAQUS is used for nonlinear contact numerical calculation from many aspects. Then, the contact pressure, deck plate stress and longitudinal bone stress of the deck model at different positions of the undercarriage are analyzed through the experiment, and the experimental results are compared with the simulation results to verify the distribution law of the contact pressure between the undercarriage and the deck. On this basis, a simplified calculation method for deck plate is proposed, which transforms the complex nonlinear contact calculation into a relatively simple linear elastic calculation. The results show that the contact pressure is mainly concentrated in the front end of the undercarriage and near the web beam, the strong member represented by the strong beam is the main bearing member, and the high stress area of the deck plate is mainly concentrated in the front end of the bottom of the undercarriage and near the beam. The proposed calculation model has good accuracy and the simplified calculation method has good practicability for the deck design and strength calculation of Ro-Ro ships.
2025,47(1): 1-7 收稿日期:2024-2-18
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