The intensification of global warming in recent years has made the opening of Arctic shipping lanes more feasible. In order to analyze the ice load and hull structure response characteristics during polar ship navigation, this paper carries out a numerical simulation study for the scenario of multiple collisions between the ship's outboard hull structure and the ice floe field. With reference to the statistical experience of ice floe observation at the present stage, a finite element numerical model of hull side structure-ice floe field interaction is established, and simulations are carried out at different collision angles and different ice floe densities to analyze the collision force, energy, and response data in the process of consecutive collisions of the ship and the ice, and to study the effects of collision angle and ice floe field densities on the ice floe loads and the response characteristics of the ship's hull side structure. The results show that the structural response law under multiple ship-ice interactions is different from that of single ship-ice interactions, and the impact of collision angle and ice floe field density parameters on the ship-ice collision force and hull outboard structural response characteristics shows a certain pattern. The research content of this paper has reference value for the safety design of the side structure of polar navigation ship.
2025,47(1): 8-13 收稿日期:2024-3-4
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