Propeller boss cap fins(PBCF) as a good hydrodynamic energy-saving device, has obvious energy-saving effect on propeller. Based on induced velocity surface panel method, KP505 propeller is used as the research object. Comparing with the experimental values, it’s found that the prediction program of this method has nice calculation accuracy, and the feasibility of this program is verified,which can provide data for the design of PBCF, and also has a certain value for the performance prediction of PBCF.The results show that the phase Angle between propeller and boss cap fins has little effect on the hydrodynamic performance of the propeller, and the diameter of boss cap fins and the axial spacing of propeller and boss cap fins is as small as possible,which can improve the energy-saving effect.
2025,47(1): 49-53 收稿日期:2024-3-18
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