To explore more energy-efficient and drag-reducing ship formation layouts, the impact of the slenderness ratio on the drag reduction benefits of ship formation layouts was analyzed. The resistance performance of single ships and fleets within a slenderness ratio range of 3.42 to 5.41 was studied using CFD numerical simulation methods. Results showed a drag reduction benefit of 16.46% to 21.87% for ship formations, demonstrating the feasibility of energy-saving and drag-reduction in ship formation navigation. Moreover, within the 3.42 to 5.41 range, the drag reduction benefit rate of ship formations with different slenderness ratios showed significant variation, with a maximum difference in benefit rate of up to 5.23%. By fine-tuning the layout of the formation with the lowest benefit rate, an increase of up to 2.5% in the drag reduction benefit rate was achieved. Analysis of the calculation results concluded that there are clear differences in the drag reduction effects of ship formations composed of ships with different slenderness ratios when navigating in a single-column formation. When designing ship formation layouts, fleets with different slenderness ratios can achieve higher drag reduction benefits by adjusting the longitudinal spacing between ships.
2025,47(1): 65-69 收稿日期:2024-3-2
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