The paper takes the heat transfer coefficient of ship thermal insulation structure as the research object, firstly, the numerical simulation method was verified by experimental comparison, and then the heat transfer coefficient of ship thermal insulation structure was simulated numerically and analyzed comparatively. The results show that the value of heat transfer coefficient of ship thermal insulation structure in the relevant standards is too conservative; the thickness of the air layer of ship thermal insulation structure and the temperature difference have less influence on the heat transfer coefficient of ship thermal insulation structure, and its value decreases with the increase of the thickness of the air layer; the value increases with the increase of the temperature difference of the wall when the wall surface of the high and low temperatures is certain; the heat transfer coefficient of the same composition of the ship thermal insulation structure used for the bulkheads is slightly larger than that used for the deck, and the research methods and conclusions of the previous literature are insufficient. The research methods and conclusions of the previous literature are insufficient, and the method used in the thesis can get more accurate values. In the actual design, numerical simulation can be carried out to get more accurate heat transfer coefficient and load calculation results for ship thermal insulation structure. The results of the paper provide a basis for the value of heat transfer coefficient and numerical simulation of ship thermal insulation structure.
2025,47(1): 89-94 收稿日期:2024-3-21
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