管路系统是水下航行器与外界水环境重要的交互通道,工作过程中将产生流量和压力脉动,并激发振动和噪声,严重影响水下航行器的隐蔽性能。结合水下航行器管路系统中气容水舱特性和蓄能器吸收脉动原理,提出利用气容水舱消减脉动方法,研究不同工况下气容水舱消减流量脉动性能,结果表明:当气体压力由0.8 MPa增大至1.6 MPa,脉动率由14.96%降低至6.40%;脉动频率由2.0 Hz增大到6.0 Hz,脉动率由14.07%降低至10.69%;脉动幅值由1.0 m/s增大到4.0 m/s,脉动率由13.19%降低至10.64%。气容水舱可以有效消减进口管道的低频率小幅值流量脉动,实现系统平稳通流,满足管路系统消减流量脉动需求。
The pipeline system is an important interaction channel between the underwater vehicle and the external water environment, which will produce flow pulsation and pressure pulsation during the working process, then excite vibration and noise, and affect the concealment performance of the underwater vehicle. Combined with the characteristics of the gas-water cabin in the pipeline system of the underwater vehicle and the working principle of the accumulator, a method of reducing the flow pressure fluctuation of the gas-water cabin was proposed, and the effect of the flow reduction fluctuation of the gas-water cabin under different working conditions was researched. The results show that the pulsation rate decreases from 14.96% to 6.40% as the gas pressure increases from 0.8 MPa to 1.6 MPa, the pulsation rate decreases from 14.07% to 10.69% with the pulsation frequency increases from 2.0 Hz to 6.0 Hz, and the pulsation rate decreases from 13.19% to 10.64% with the pulsation amplitude increases from 1.0 m/s to 4.0 m/s. The gas-water cabin can effectively reduce the flow pulsation of the inlet pipeline with low frequency and small amplitude, realize the smooth flow of the system, and meet the needs of the pipeline system to reduce the flow pulsation.
2025,47(1): 95-101 收稿日期:2024-2-27
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