As the preferred ballast water exchange method, the sequential method has the advantages of complete exchange and short exchange time, but also has high requirements for floating, stability and longitudinal strength. Based on the basic principle of the influence of small loads on the final floating state, the tank pairs for ballast water exchange that satisfies the roll angle and trim constraints is screened. The backtracking algorithm was used to obtain the combination of ballast water exchange conditions that meet the stability requirements, and the optimal scheme was selected based on the bending moment utilization factor at the maximum bending moment, the maximum utilization factor of bending moment, the maximum utilization factor of shear force, height of stability, trim value and other parameters. Taking a multi-purpose vessel as the object, based on the programming of NAPA, the optimization of the sequential ballast water exchange condition and the programmed automatic definition of the load cases were realized, and a good optimization effect was obtained.
2025,47(1): 108-112 收稿日期:2024-2-28
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