Intelligent ship information interaction is very important to navigation safety. In order to resist hacker attacks from sea and improve the security and reliability of intelligent ship information interaction, this paper proposes a technical framework of intelligent ship information interaction based on blockchain and develops a test system. First of all, by analyzing the current situation of intelligent ship information interation and the blockchain technology, this paper exponds the advantages of blockchain in protecting intelligent ship information interaction safety. Secondly, the types of data that the intelligent ship should transmit within the blockchain are put forwards, and how these data are transmitted in the blockchain are explained, then an alliance chain is chosen to develop the intelligent ship information interaction test system. Finally, the feasibility of this system is verified by simulating an actual offshore application scenario. It is found that the blockchain can effectively solve the security problem of the intelligent ship information interaction, and protect the data's untamability, privacy and entity's authenticity. This paper provides a new solution to intelligent ship information interaction, and also provides valuable reference for the development of marine traffic management and intelligent ship technology.
2025,47(1): 169-176 收稿日期:2024-3-24
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