In order to solve the problem of low-frequency vibration isolation in the field of ship vibration isolation, this paper based on the existing magnetic tooth structure electromagnetic negative stiffness mechanism, aiming at the problems of ignoring the core reluctance and not considering the magnetic circuit saturation of its electromagnetic force analytical expression, this paper modified the electromagnetic force analytical expression, and deduced the electromagnetic force analytical expression of the negative stiffness mechanism considering the core reluctance and magnetic circuit saturation. Aiming at the maximum electromagnetic force and minimum power consumption of the negative stiffness mechanism, the structural parameters of the negative stiffness mechanism were optimized. The optimized electromagnetic negative stiffness mechanism was connected with the metal spring with positive stiffness characteristics, and the electromagnetic quasi-zero-stiffness vibration isolator based on the magnetic tooth structure was designed. On this basis, the machining and static characteristic test of the vibration isolator were completed, The correctness of the theory of electromagnetic negative stiffness mechanism and the correction results of the analytical expression of electromagnetic force were further verified.
2025,47(2): 6-11 收稿日期:2023-12-24
作者简介:李欣(1980 – ),女,博士,高级工程师,研究方向为振动控制技术
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